Day 100 (4.10.10) - We had a busy, wonderful, fantastic day today. We had a delicious breakfast at Pipes, spent the morning at the beach, one of my best friends/gay boyfriend Torr came in from San Fransisco, we ALL took a nap (Nick, Joey, Ruby, Torr and I), then we partied it up at O'Sullivans for our going away party. So, as you can imagine, I have a billion pictures from today. Lot's of fun times! I had so many great going away party pictures but I had to post this one from the beach this morning. Ruby is such a crazy thrill seeker and loves to be tossed around. She puts her hands over her mouth, curls her toes under and just squeals in delight until her daddy tosses her up again.

Wowsers! I can't imagine tossing Catie around like that!