Day 110 (4.20.10) - Since we arrived in NJ Joey has been really excited to see everyone. Ruby has been a bit more skeptial of all the new people she has been meeting and has been pretty clingy to me. We've been here almost a week now and every day since we've arrived, my dad would approach Ruby so he could carry her and every day she would turn away from him towards me. He would never push her, instead he would just say "that's ok, we'll try again tomorrow." Every day he would talk to her and he could make her laugh but she never wanted him to carry her. Well, today he put his arms out to her and wouldn't you know, she went to him. Yes she still looks around for her mama but looks like she is finally warming up to her Lolo.

What the...??? I just got all teary eyed reading that post! I must miss Lolo SOOOO much!!!