Happy 1st Birthday Ruby

Day 126 (5.6.10) - Dear Ruby, Today you turned one year old. I’m not quite sure where this past year has gone because time has literally flown by before my eyes. On one hand it makes me sad that your babyhood is nearly over and you are quickly turning into a toddler and on the other hand it makes me so excited to see your wild, spunky, willful personality emerge. You are an amazing little girl and so much more than I ever could have expected. It is hard to believe that it was one year ago that I was waiting to meet you for the very first time. Not only did I think you were going to be a boy but all I could imagine was a clone of your big brother. When I first met you I couldn’t believe how much you looked like him and at first it seemed you were similar in nature but now that I have gotten to know you, it is apparent how completely different you are. At only one year old I know that you are going to do well in life. I know that probably sounds silly to determine that from such a small baby but I just know that you are going to do great things. I have never met another child who is so determined to do anything. Whether it is climbing up on the couch or getting to something you aren’t supposed to be playing with you never give up until your goal is reached. There is no distracting you with something else, you always have your eye on whatever the prize is.

I’ve always heard about the special bond between mothers and daughters and I have to say from the moment I held you in my arms I felt it. You were my baby girl and my heart was overflowing with love from the second I laid my eyes on you.....and somehow you transformed right before my eyes from this tiny helpless baby:

to this independent, energetic and sweet one year old girl.

You just started to walk and surprisingly you are cautious. That is surprising because you are so fearless with everything else you do but seem to prefer to crawl still. You are a thrill seeker. You are very lingual though and can already say a handful of words including mama, dada, apple juice (your current favorite word to say – even though you call all drinks apple juice), up, lolo (of course you melt your lolo’s heart when you say that), this and that. You follow directions well and you love the give big, slobbery open mouth kisses. We recently moved across the country to NJ and you adjusted without a flinch. It seems like you are happier than ever with so much family around. You love your mom and dad but you also just love and adore your big brother. You laugh so hard when he pretends to scare you and you are such a copy cat. You copy anything I tell you to do and copy everything Joey does without being prompted. You sleep great and you love to eat. I don’t think I’ve even found a food you dislike.

People (strangers and friends alike) laugh when they meet you, nod their head in disbelief and tell me I have my hands full with you. But everyone who meets you loves you. When you are happy you are happy, silly, giggly…..but when you are mad, oh boy, you get mad. You scream so loud its like you reach new decibels and it hurts my ears. You cry and let the world know you are angry. You are an emotional girl and the crazy thing is, I can see so much of myself in you.

Happy birthday to my sweet baby girl. It has been an amazing, wonderful year and I am so grateful to be able to spend each day with you. You fill my heart more than you will ever know.

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