Day 121 (5.1.10) - A couple days ago Joey got a boo boo. A big one. He got his toe caught in the heavy metal door leading to my parents garage. The small black and blue on his toenail has grown and grown and started to look not so good. So, thankfully, we have a pediatrician in the family. This has got to be one of our BIGGEST perks since moving back here. (This was actually my second visit here - last week Ruby needed a breathing treatment and her nebulizer in a box somewhere in the middle of the country so they gave me another one with meds.) So, on Saturday afternoon, my uncle (Lolo Ronnie as Joey calls him) met us at his office, took a look at his toe, gave us antibiotics (since we don't have our new insurance cards yet to fill a prescription) and a cooler with ice to put the antibiotics in and keep it cold since we weren't going straight home. All without showing an insurance card or paying a co-pay! I love my family!

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