Little Miss Trouble

Day 55 (2.24.10) - At 9 months old Ruby is that child - you know the one who gets into EVERYTHING. The one you cannot take your eyes off of for one second. Nick went to take Joey to the potty and I was fixing dinner when Ruby found the diaper bag, snagged a can of formula from there, opened it up and proceeded to stuff powdered formula in her mouth when I found her. Ugh. What a mess!

Happy Birthday Mandy!

Day 54 (2.23.10) - Today was my friend Mandy's birthday. Nick wasn't feeling well so I left him at home with the kids and went out to dinner with some friends for her birthday. He had an easy night though as I put Ruby to bed at 6:45 pm before I left. Would you believe she slept till 6:30 the next morning?! It was a fun night - good company, good food and good times!


Day 53 (2.22.10) - Joey was taking a bath tonight and didn't want to get out so while he was in the tub I was playing around with my new camera. Here it is - a self portrait in the horrible bathroom lighting!

Hang Loose

Day 52 (2.21.10) - Nick went riding today so the kids and I were on our own. We had a quiet day and spent quite a bit of time at the park. Joey's been practicing his "hang loose" fingers. He doesn't have great finger dexterity but he's working on it!

Let's Eat!

Day 51 (2.20.10) - Every weekend we go to our favorite breakfast place - Beachbreak Cafe in Oceanside. We literally go there every week so I'm sure you'll see plenty of food pics from there on weekends to come. The food is just amazing.....look at Ruby's face - she wants her food, now! The kids ate unbelievable amounts of food there this morning....oh and so did I.

View from the Train

Day 50 (2.19.10) - I got a new toy today!! A Canon G11. I have no idea how to use it to its maximum capabilities but I have to say I already love it. I started reading the manual on the train ride home (had the camera shipped to work) and took this shot from the window. What a great view!

Silly Boy

Day 49 (2.18.10) - Just another random picture for tonight. Sorry I got nothing for today. Most weeknights nothing exciting goes on around here. Sometimes Joey is such a silly boy.

Nightly Routine

Day 48 (2.17.10) - Like many other toddlers, Joey is a creature of habit. He loves his routine and thankfully he is super easy to put to bed. He grabs a toy and his nana, goes upstairs, pees in the potty, brushes his teeth, turns on his twilight turtle and that's pretty much it. We tuck him in and give him a kiss and off to dreamland he goes. I love that it all takes about 5 minutes. Here is Joey showing his dad his pearly whites after he brushed his teeth.

Spaghetti dinner

Day 47 (2.16.10) - We went to our friends Mandy and Mike's house (Joey's friends Mason's parents) for a spaghetti dinner. Ruby has never had spaghetti until tonight and boy did she like it. I didn't give it to her with the sauce since I didn't want her to make a mess (I did feed her some with tomato sauce separately) but she thoroughly enjoyed her first noodle experience and even figured out how to slurp it up.

"Don't even think about touching my spaghetti!"


Day 46 (2.15.10) - I came down from putting Ruby to bed and Joey was sitting on the couch with his dad covered in stickers. Not much to say about this, the smile on his face says it all. He's saying "look mama!"

Valentine's Day!

Day 45 (2.14.10) - We don't usually celebrate Valentine's Day but Nick and I did get to go out on a date last night for some alone time. So today we had a family fun day. We tried to snap a couple of pictures of the kids literally on the way out the door to a party. Of course Ruby would NOT sit still (as usual) so I jumped in to hold her and we got this great picture. I wasn't planning to be in any of the photos but was so glad we got this great capture. I was posing alone with Ruby when Joey jumped on my back so we were all laughing. I obviously did not take tihs picture, Nick was the man behind the camera.

Pretty Bird

Day 44 (2.13.10) - We spent the morning at San Diego's Wild Animal Park. While there are some pretty amazing and exotic animals - we didn't really see any of them today, haha. It was hot, crowded and the kids were getting cranky and tired so we were only there for a little over an hour and spent most of our time watching ducks. Yes, they have lions, elephants, giraffes, rhinos, etc. and we spent our time watching ducks. Of course Joey was as thrilled as can be anyway. I did snap a picture of this lone beautiful white bird though.

Pizza Night

Day 43 (2.12.10) - It's Friday night and pizza night. I didn't feel like cooking so put Nick in charge of of course he ordered a pizza. Joey seems to have the same love for pizza as his dad - look at him go.

Valentine's Treats

Day 42 (2.11.10) - Joey and I made some Valentine's for his friends at school tonight. He LOVES to "help" his mom. We made rice krispie treats in the shape of kisses. Here we are making our treats.

and just for fun, here is a picture of our finished product!

Big Bro's Toys

Day 41 (2.10.10) - I'm a bit behind with posting so I am going to play catch up....I haven't been able to post every day but I HAVE been taking pictures every day. Some days I have a million pictures to chose from and other days are just blah but I will keep snapping. Joey was busy playing with something else and Ruby got a hold of his trains. He loves his sis but he was not happy when he discovered this!

Joey, Penny & Waylon

Day 40 (2.9.10) - I had the day off today and spent the day alone with Joey while Ruby was at daycare. We had a wonderful day together, it was great to spend some one on one time with my boy. We went out to eat, did a little shopping, LOTS of playing and we had some friends (both mine and his friends) over. It was pretty overcast and we were expecting rain so we stayed inside and had a photoshoot in our garage since everything was still set up from our attempt at a photoshoot the other day. Here is Joey and his friends Penny and Waylon. The have been playing together since they were babies and play really well together. Don't they look like little models here?

Santa Fe Station

Day 39 (2.8.10) - Another Monday, another day of work and another picture from downtown. I snapped this picture of the train station across the street from my building. I walk across this path daily. Hard to believe people are getting snowed in and I live here!

Got Milk?

Day 38 (2.7.10) - Forget the milk moustache ad's, here is Ruby sporting a milk beard. I gave her a bottle before we got into the car and this is what she looked like when I went to get her. She was knocked out with a milk beard....her comb over is in full effect here too. ; )

All About Her Eyes

Day 37 (2.6.10) - We busted out our mini home studio today at an attempt to take some Valentine's pictures. It was not successful as the kids are both at an age when they just will NOT STAY STILL for more than .001 seconds. Ok, Joey is bribable and will sit still for 1 whole second with the correct bribe, while Ruby is just impossible to work with. I know I say this all the time but she is all over the place. We have some ok pictures where the kids look cute and are smiling but this picture kind of stood out to me. She doesn't look happy, she actually looks concerned or something with her lips curving down...but there is something about the look in her eyes that is just so deep and pure.

Mmmm, Beer

Day 36 (2.5.10) - I'm loving this picture. It was late on Friday night, both kids were fast asleep and Nick poured himself another beer when I snapped this picture. Nick and I were playing around with the flash (yes, we are such nerds, this is what we do on a Friday night) and this picture was taken with the flash laying on the table behind the beer. I thought it looked cool all lit up from the back - like the beer-God's sent this beer down to him after a rough week of work. Ahhhhhhhh...

Sibling Love

Day 35 (2.4.10) - This is not a very good picture (quality wise) but this was just too sweet of a moment to not share. Ruby NEVER sits still but she snagged Joey's cup and that kept her still next to her big bro for a little while.


Day 34 (2.3.10) - Despite the fact that Joey think's I'm a conductor that works on the train, I actually work here on the 26th floor. It is one of the tallest buildings in downtown San Diego and one of the most conspicuous in the downtown landscape.

Ruby Loves to Eat

Day 33 (2.2.10) - Ruby is pretty much over baby food and likes to feed herself these days. Here she is eating grapes. She has perfected her pincer grip and I have yet to find a food she does not like.

Chubby Cheeks

Day 32 (2.1.10) - So I made it through my first month of this little project. woohoo! For my first pic of February I just have a random shot of Joey. Ever since he was born everyone has always comment on his cheeks! Funny how he is so skinny but he still has the big cheeks!

Wine Tasting

Day 31 (1.31.10) - We went to visit our friends David, Kheo and their little girl Zoey today in Temecula and visited a new winery that opened up by their house for some wine tasting. The winery was beautiful and I got some great shots of the kids but I have to post some wine for my picture today.

and for a bonus picture - here is the group of us (not taken by me but a self timer on a tripod with David's camera).

Heading Home

Day 30 (1.30.10) - Here is where the problem of only having one (very LARGE) camera lies. We had a fun and busy day today with a lot of picture taking opportunities. We had some friends over, went into the city, met another friend for a delicious sushi dinner and saw a very cool looking full moon...but I didn't capture any of this because I just didn't feel like dragging the big camera around. So, I took no pictures during our excursions and by the time I realized I had not taken my picture of the day, I quickly snapped this picture on the 5, on the way home. Nothing too exciting just a view from the dash on the drive home from the city.