Day 11 (1.11.10)- I had a fabulous day. I spent the entire day After a crazy month of moving, the holidays, traveling, unpacking, busy at work, sick kids, sick husband and a baby who all of a sudden went from sleeping 11-12 hours straight to waking up every few hours all night long, I was exhausted. So, I had the day off today, Nick took the kids to daycare and I had the day to myself. I watched a movie in the morning, had a quiet lunch and although I did some laundry, organizing at home and unpacking - it actually seemed kind of pleasant to do without worrying about the kids. In the afternoon, I even snuck in a massage.
Behold my picture for today is the contents of my pockets at the end of the day. This is all I had with me all day long. No huge bag, no diapers, sippy cups, extra clothes. No nanas, binkys or race cars in my pockets. Just my keys, a couple of bucks, some change, my ID, debit card and a free trial size lip moisturizer.
Oh and the best part of my day is what is attached to the end of my keychain - a new membership card for
massage envy. For my birthday (and probably every other gift giving occasion for the year) Nick got me a massage a month for the rest of the year. Ok, I actually got it and told him that is what he got me but I did get him to agree to it. ; ) Afterall, a happy wife is a happy life, right?